Listing the file name and no of records in each files for the files created on a specific day


I want to display the file names and the record count for the files in the 2nd column for the files created today.

i have written the below command which is listing the file names. but while piping the above command to the wc -l command
its not working for me.

ls -l --time-style='+%d/%m/%Y' | grep '06/05/2014' |  awk '{print $7}'
 Need suggestion to  get the file name and record count of the files.



for file in $(ls -ltr | grep "May  6" | awk '{print $9}');
 rc=`cat $file | wc -l`
 echo $file $rc

Thanks so much . But i want it in a command not using script. if possible.

How about

find . -type f -mtime -1 -exec wc -l {} +

Thanks a lot Rudic. Its almost satisfied my requirement But along with the files created today it is also listing one more file which was created one day before.

Anyway thanks. I will explore more on -mtime and will get the solution.

Thanks for your time.

Look into -mmin as well, and -daystart if available on your system.