Listing a file/directory with 7 letters long

I know that I can use wild cards:

ls ???????

to list files 7 characters long, but how do i omit the .?! and spaces?

Is this a homework assignment? Note that homework and coursework questions can only be posted in the Homework and Coursework forum and posts there must follow special homework rules.

If it isn't homework, please be a little bit less cryptic. What . , ? , ! , and spaces?

Are you saying that some of your filenames contain those characters and you only want to list files that have names containing seven characters but only if none of those seven characters are a period, question mark, exclamation point, or a space?

Are you saying that some of your filenames contain those characters and you only want to list files that have names containing seven characters (ignoring any period, question mark, exclamation point, and space characters when counting the number of characters in the file's name).

Are you saying that you don't want ls to include any spaces, tabs, or newlines between the filenames it lists?

Or are you asking for something else that I haven't guessed might be what you're trying to do?

Ah my bad wrong section ill repost but yes what i want is using ls to list files/directories that contain 7 letters but excluding signs/numbers such as ?!. and spaces
for example checkas would be correct but answ.txt would not be