List of files last modified 30/60/90 days


I want to find the list of all the files under a directory (including it's subdirectories) last modified 30 days, 60 days, 90 days..also I want to find out the rate at which the disk space is growing.

Please help.

Have a look at the find "-mtime" option.

It usefull to use on-line find helper
5 sec and you have result - "find . -mtime 30 -print"

To place your listing of modified files in a file:

find /your_stuff -mtime 30 -exec ls -ld {} \; > output_file

To see how much disk space the modified files consume:

find /your_stuff -mtime 30 -exec ls -ld {} \; | awk '{x = x + $5'; print x}' | tail -1

Make sure to replace 30 with the number of days you are searching for. The disk usage will be in bytes.

If you want to track growth you can do du -hs /yourstuff on the directory you are tracking and keeping track of the change in disk usage.