Linux PCB format

I am new at linux and want to know the format of linux process control block in detail. Can anyone help me in understanding that?

Hi Isha_Haram - welcome to the forums! It's an interesting first question, especially for someone new to Linux. Was there a specific situation that arose that made you ask it? Or just looking for the esoteric in the art? Most people don't delve beyond looking in '/proc' where data about a process can be found (often when hunting zombie processes).

If you really want to delve deep, each process in the kernel is represented by a 'task_struct'. You can look at the include file <task.h> in any Linux distro to find the actual code, but at a high level, the following make up the process table:

  1. The process ID (also seen as /proc/)
  2. The current command
  3. The state/wait state
  4. Limit information

Start by looking at /proc and happy hunting!


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