linux memory buffers & cache usage

18:45:47 # free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         96679      95909        770          0       1530      19550
-/+ buffers/cache:      74828      21851
Swap:        12287        652      11635

Hi all. The below output is from a RHEL 4.5 node running a single Oracle instance. I am looking to increase the SGA shortly and am curious about the effects given the current utilization information above. I understand that this system has 770mb of "free" memory and roughly 20gb allocated in buffers & cache. My question is, if I were to increase the SGA by about 4gb, this would take away from available memory that
can be used for buffers and cache, do i run a risk of having some IO issues given the amount of cache that i am currently usiing?

Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide!