linux 2.4 boot up sequence

I am running linux red hat and I need to know the command to view the boot up process.... (that is the driver initialization, drive mount, etc).... Does anyone know this command?

The 2 files you probably want are:

/var/log/dmesg (for kernel messages)

If you mean that it gets covered up by a splash graphic, you can usually press 'Esc' or 'F2' to see the actual bootup, or you can edit the grub configuration and change "splash" to "splash-verbose" in the line beginning with "kernel" for your standard boot configuration. As always when doing something that could potentially render your system unbootable, make a copy of the whole stanza and change the copy so that you can still select the old one and boot up if you make a mistake.

Hey, thanks for your reponses. What I am looking is for the command that when entered at the command promt, it displays the outcome of dmes and boot.log... (and other things). let me know if you know... and thanks in advance....


and it's dmesg.

That shows the system messages from the last boot. If you need more information it's probably located someplace like /var/log (in the Madriva distros anyway).

i believe it's /var/log in Red Hat also.



The Crafty One

Hey thanks guys.... I appreciate your help