Limit on Number of characters in a line - Vi editor

In the vi editor, there seems to be some limit on the number of characters could be allowed in single line. I tried a line with characters up to 1880. It worked. But when i tried with something of 5000 characters, it doesnt work. Any suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

Hi nram_krishna@ya,

No problem in my system:

$ vim --version | head -1
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Sep  5 2011 21:27:42)
$ for num in `seq 1 5000`; do printf "%c" "$num" >>myfile.txt; done; echo >>myfile.txt
$ wc -l myfile.txt 
1 myfile.txt
$ wc -c myfile.txt 
5001 myfile.txt

I open myfile.txt with vim, press $ and the position points 1,5000


The fold command may be useful so you can view the file, but if you need to edit a file with long lines you man need to put a marker on the lines that need to be joined up and use sed to replace them something like this:

$ cat trial
Line one
|_| continuned here
|_| and here
Line two
$ sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n|_|//;ta' -e 'P;D' trial
Line one continuned here and here
Line two