Ldap connection - showstopper after hosted


I have very limited knowledge on LDAP and its configuration and but I have been trying to figure out one issue that takes place when I am running the program that is written in php, but so far its unsuccessful.

The server, I am working on is ldap server, which is running on Apache. After testing a program (i.e.ldap://localhost:10389/) locally successfully the same was hosted on the web server (Linux Apache server). while running the same program via http ://abc.net:2020/conn.php, it stopped at the "$ldapconn = ldap_connect($host, $port)" and not proceeding to the next line (showstopper), and at the same time not showing any error message too, therefore, I am unable to find out where the issue is actually taking place.

The program I wrote on php is :

        $host = "ldap://";
        $port = "389";
        echo "<br><br>Connecting to ".$host."..........";
        $ldapconn = ldap_connect($host, $port) 
                  or die("Could not connect to {$ldaphost}");
        echo "<br><font style='color:blue'>Connected Successfully!</font>";

Help needed to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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