LAuS error messages in /var/log/cron

I'm running RedHat Linux Enterprise Server ES Version 3 and I've stopped the audit service. Now I'm getting the following error messages in /var/log/cron

May 17 07:01:01 pam crond[18547]: LAuS error - do_command.c:243 - laus_log: (19) laus_log: No such device
May 17 08:01:01 pam crond[18552]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)

Does anyone know how I can stop these messages from appearing in the cron log file.

Here's a solution, for redhat even. The relevant bits are:

  • Stop the crond service
  • Kill all remaining crond processes
  • rmmod audit
  • Restart crond

Everything else is just configuration magic to make it stick on reboot.