Launching Nautilus with a set of files ??

Hello ,

I am trying to create a layer of file-tagging trough bash scripting and tlc/tk .

I have almost everything ready only needs to be able to launch nautilus (the gnome file manager) with a regular expresion; when searching information in internet with "script and nautilus", i only find how to add scripting to contextual menu in nautilus; but im really searching howto launch nautilus through a shell script and a REGULAR EXPRESION in this way :

> nautilus /home/me/ *.zip :D:D


> nautilus /home/me P?*rar

etc .....

It is impossible that it is not possible, but it seemed ......

Usually it's the shell or other language's job to expand that kind of "regex" (actually a glob, not a regex). Can't you do the match in TCL then just feed nautilus the entire list?

Yes of course , so change the problem:
How to feed nautilus with a list of files in a specified DIR, i am only capable to give it a DIR (a path) but nautilus is always showing me the entire list of files in that path , is it able to show only some of these files, and not the complete Directory, so again :

> nautilus /home/me *.zip


> nautilus /home/me 2. zip

Yes, Nautilus is capable of showing a subset of files in a particular directory. Use globbing syntax instead of regex syntax.