Lack of Solaris Engineers?

Are more and more companies moving away from Solaris? I am currently helping a company search for a Sr. Solaris Engineer near Philadelphia and it seems as if more candidates are in other UNIX flavors. Is this correct? Where is the best place to search for Solaris Engineers?

Thank you for your help!

Geez, where did you look ? Strange questions from a staffing pro :cool:

Of course, it is not like calling "Solaris Admins!" and the lid from every trash box will open, like when you are calling "Windows Admins!". :smiley:

Solaris engineers need a lot of knowledge, since the system has a lot of features. In addition it is usually hosting most valuable enterprise systems and mission critical data. So you need to look for specialists not for wannabees.

Just call big company's IT departments and ask for a Solaris pro you can headhunt :b: