KSH: Reading a file line by line into multiple arrays

Hi -
I have a file that contains data in this format:-

value1 value2 value3
value4 value5 value6 value7
value8 value9

I need to read value1, value2 and value3 into one array, value4 value5 value6 and value7 into another array and value8 and value9 into a 3rd array.

If necessary I could prefix each line with the name of the array .... e.g.
array_name1 value1 value2 value3

I would be grateful if someone please tell me the best way of doing this? I don't need to necessarily create arrays either - I just need to get the values into my script to be used in various do .. while loops. I could just create the arrays in the script and be done with but I am not sure this is the best way of doing things.
Thanks for your help.

the var line1 will have what you want.. use how ever you want

while read line ; do
read line1
echo "$line1"
done < filename

Thanks for the suggestion ... I have tried :-

while read line ; do
read line1
set -A arr $line1
done < /tmp/test.txt

and also

exec < /tmp/test.txt
while read line ; do
echo ${arr[i]}
(( i=i+1 ))

What I actually need to do though is read each line into a separate array.

e.g. /tmp/test.txt contains :-
# some comment
one two three four
# some comment
five six seven

So I need an array containing the values one two three and four and a separate array containing the values five six and seven. Is this even possible ?

Thanks for the help.