korn shell .kshrc in sunos

My login shell is c shell

I have a line in .cshrc like
setenv a 1000

I have a line in .profile like
export ENV

and in my .kshrc
export a

I wrote one korn script

echo $a

it must have shown o/p 10 rathe it is showing 1000

Please tell me how is the flow happening

I heard/know that if I use korn shell script, it is going to read .profile and .kshrc!

Using the shebang "#!/bin/ksh" in your script doesn't force the script to read the .profile file.
To use the environment variables declared in .profile 'source' the .profile as follow:

. /path/to/.profile

within your script.


Thanks Franklin.

When I say like

. ~/.profile

.profile getting executed but it is not considering .kshrc as environment file even though I have the following lines in my .profile file

export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc

export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc

doesn't set the environment variables of .kshrc, 'source' .kshrc:

. /path/to/.kshrc
