Kickstart File

I was able to set up a kickstart to install Red Hat Enterprise thought a network.

I'm trying to enable a NTP time server in the post section of the kickstart file and also enable/disable a few services using chkconfig.

I can't seam to get it to work, can anyone help ? I don't beleive i have the correct synthax.

/usr/sbin/ntpdate -s ntp.*****.**.*
/sbin/chkconfig -- isdn 0: off 1: off 2: on 3: off 4: on 5: off 6: off

Your commands seem correct, what exactly you can't do and what are the error messages ?


When I create my ks file I add the ntp.conf file with the ntp server configuration and this will copy over the original /etc/ntp.conf.

Then you can use the command ntpdate, but in this stage of the installation the server not recognize DNS name resolution, so you must use the IP instead the hostname. This is the example of my ntp part:

echo "Installing ntp service"
/bin/cat /root/ntptmp.conf >> /etc/ntp.conf
/sbin/chkconfig ntpd on

and if you see I add the service just with chkconfig "service" on, by default this will start the service on level 3 and 5