JDK installation. An awesome challenge.

Hello guys,
I've tried to install more recent version of JDK (1.8.0_161), SVR4 package.
Everything went succesfully except one thing.
The OS persistenly refuses to recognize newest java version. :frowning: There should be 1.8.0_161 instead.
I've done everything that is described for SVR4 packages, here: JDK 8 Installation on the Oracle Solaris Operating System

#java -version
java version "1.5.0_06"

Please any ideas.

Thanks in advance

Can you show us the output from which java ?

It may be a PATH setting ins wrong (perhaps personally or a default path set in /etc/profile or /etc/enviornment or wherever), perhaps the executable is a symbolic link to the old version or even a script to the old version.

Perhaps sh -x java version might give you clues too. It might fail completely, but that would also be useful to know.


Hi there,
It seems, I've just solved that.
The solution was creating newest link called "java" that is linked to the another link "jdk1.8.0_161" that was created just after packages installation.
Just had done that by analogy as it was done by OS itself for original JDK.

Of course, the "original" link ''java" was removed. Passed first challenge. There are lots of them ahead..