Java Parallel Processing Framework 1.7 (Default branch)

JPPF is a computational grid framework for Java focused on performance and ease of use. It provides a set of tools and APIs to enable the parallelization of CPU intensive applications, and distribute their execution over a network of heterogenous nodes. It features platform independence thanks to Java 1.5, does not require you to deploy your application classes to a server, scales up to millions of nodes, has a built-in fail-over mechanism on all the framework's components, and has a monitoring and administration GUI tool to enable remote monitoring of the server health and server shutdown/restart operations. License: The Apache License 2.0 Changes:
Servers are now automatically detected, removing the need to use configuration files. The administration console was enhanced for greater usability. Administration commands can now be sent to multiple nodes at once. The nodes' CPU usage can now be managed by setting the priority of the execution threads. Critical class loading issues were fixed in the J2EE JCA connector.
