Issue: Unzipping file containing files/folders with a similar name


I have a zip file created on a Linxux server that I need to extract on a Windows machine...

The zip file containing folders with the same name but they each have a different case, one if camel case and the other is just capitalised. When I extract using 7zip, I get prompted if I want to replace the file even though the folders are not named the same (case difference). Does anyone how to resolve this?

For example:


I expect both files to be extracted but I am being prompted to replace the first!!! Is there a program I can install on Windows which will get me past this? :confused::confused:

If zip honors case, you should be able to extract only the second directory by specific path in a different head directory, then rename it to a new name in the right directory.

Windows file and folder names are case-insensitive.

There is no program to install to fix this fundamental operating system limitation.

You might be able to extract only one, or the other, as DGPickett suggests.

Like they said you will have to extract one at a time to different locations.

  1. -Open the Zip file in Windows Explorer. Not in 7Zip
  2. -Right Click on the folder you want to copy
  3. -COPY
  4. -Go to location you want the folder Right Click PASTE
  5. -Do the same for the other folder, but paste it to a different directory.

If you want to have the folders in the same directory, you need to rename one of them.


(im surprised Windows reads that Zip file)