Is OpenSuSE 12.1 stable and reliable?


We are ready to update OpenSuSE for our web servers from 11.2 to either 11.4 or 12.1.

12.1 is still a beta version. Is it stable and reliable enough for production servers? Please share your valuable experiences.

Thank you in advance!

If you have to ask that...

NEVER.....NEVER.....EVER use beta for production. Beta is to give people a chance to catch some crucial bugs.

There are already people who don't believe community distributions are adequate for production. Have you considered SLES?

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Thank you for the info.

What is latest version SLES? Do we need to pay it?

Hello Aixlover, I agree with mark54g.

Plans for next Opensuse release:
Currently on Milestone 3, final version for November 2011.

Regarding SLES, yes, you have to pay for it and the last version is SLES 11.


Well, there's a yes and a no. You can get and use SLES without paying for it, but you get no updates and you get no support. If you are using something in production, and you have issues, the support you get can be critical.

I happen to love SUSE and how they do things. OpenSUSE is fine for a workstation or even departmental server or two. It even has some new things that SLES does not have yet. Some people use Fedora in production (similar in position to OpenSUSE). It CAN be done, but it has a level of expertise involved that you may not currently have.

As has been said, beta releases may comprise a lot of bugs.