Is it possible to draw table/matrix using shell script?

Hi all,
I need to create a matrix of variable rows and columns. Right now i have 3 rows and two columns and following values.

Output something like
TypeA TypeB
TestCase1 Pass Fail
TestCase2 Pass NA
TestCase3 Pass Pass

Any help is much appreciated.

Use arrays to this senarioo.Think it's really easy

myarray=(`cat table.dat|nawk '{print $1}'` `cat table.dat|nawk '{print $2}'`)

After this Your data will get insert in to the myarray.

Then you can fetch data from the array
as below.


Lahiru Jeewantha

awk '{if (NF==3) { printf "|%s\t|%s\t|%s|\n",$1,$2,$3}}' file