Is a Solaris dhcp server better than windows?

hi, we are moving to dhcp from a static ip and i'm thinking which should best be the DHCP server? i have a windows 2003 server and a solaris 10 running on sun's m5000 server.

there is no "better" in this case... dhcp is dhcp and both systems get this job done. you have to decide which system is easier to administrate for you.

right, so i guess gui is it. thanks.

both systems have a GUI for dhcp administration... so think again :wink:

in my humble opinion m5000 is a beast even for a large scale dhcp server , i think a low end x86_64 class server loaded with win2k* or solaris x86 will do the job.

The M5000 is unlikely to require as much reboots as the Windows box and has probably more hardware redundancy in it so I'll vote for the former for its better availability. Of course dedicating an M5000 to the dhcp service will be overkill but I doubt that is the case.