IP forwarding Route/Host ?

I have a unix machine that operates some CNC machines, I need to hook up my windows machine through core ftp to load programs onto the box.

The card i need to route to for the FTP on unix is tu1

I need to check the routing tables on the unix box to see which IP address will automatically be routed to tu1. I tried to add the IP to the unix system by

route add -net xxx.xxx.x.xxx netmask dev tu1

but i get an error of invalid netmask

So unless someone has an idea i figure if i can see what IP adresses are aalready registered to tu1 i can just change the IP settings on my windows machine.

help would be greatly appreciated!


what did you use for the network number. since your masking it. use different numbers

it should look something like

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i came up with a solution!, in my windows tcip settings i added an additional ip with 128.1.xx.xxx rather than the 192.168.x.x that i needed to go through the servers domain