IP Bandwidth Watchdog 0.8.1 (Default branch)

ipband is a pcap-based traffic monitor. It tallies per-subnet traffic and bandwidth usage and starts detailed logging if the specified threshold for a specific subnet is exceeded. This utility could be handy in a limited bandwidth WAN environment (frame relay, ISDN, etc.) to pinpoint offending traffic sources if certain links become saturated to the point where legitimate packets start getting dropped. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
The integer type was changed to hold a cumulative byte count from long to double to avoid counter overflow in reports. Debian-specific changes include avoiding the use of /usr/local/, a man page in section 8, avoiding the use of printf when running in the background, successful building even if strtok_r is defined as a macro, and a change of the default MTA command string for mailing reports.
