IP Address not found in ifconfig/netstat

I'm working on an AIX Unix LPAR (AIX 3.5 00C3C9904C00 as returned by uname -a)

I can access this box using telnet, port 22 using adress IP A and B
I can confirm these 2 are the same space, I can see

I can't find address B listed anywhere... so I wonder what it is related to.
The commands I have tried, after reading your forum, are :

netstat -in
cat /etc/hosts

In all of this commands I can find address A=AA.AA.XX.XX amongst a list of 4 network interfaces +
But i can never find address B=AA.AA.YYY.YYY

Is it the address of a load balancer or other network device that directs the traffic to my box? How can I find out?

That is another network beacus if in ur range it will show u ok