Iomega ix2-200 Custom Debian - Autostart script in init.d not Working

!!Hello Everyone!!

I Recently purchased a Iomega iX2-200 NAS that runs a custom debian installed by Iomega (Linux Debian 5.0.2 ( armv5tejl)) . I have SSH access. I installed Transmission since the factory installed torrents manager that Iomega uses is terrible. Transmission-daemon works like a charm, so I decided to create a script to start the transmission-daemon as a service when the NAS starts, so i don't have to ssh to the iX2-200 every day when i start it.

The script i made was the following:




test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
    case `echo "$0" | sed 's:^.*/\(.*\):\1:g'` in
        S??*) rc="start" ;;
        K??*) rc="stop" ;;
        *) rc="usage" ;;

case "$rc" in
        echo "Starting Torrent client: $NAME"
        nice $DAEMON -g ${CONFIGDIR}
        #if [ -n "`pidof $NAME`" ]; then
            echo "Stopping Torrent client: $NAME"
            killall $NAME 2> /dev/null
        "$0" stop
        sleep 1
        "$0" start
        echo "Usage: $0 (start|stop|restart|usage)"
        echo "Since No Option was set I'm ResStarting Torrent client: $NAME"
        "$0" stop
        sleep 1
        "$0" start

exit 0

after researching a little bit on the debian site i just found out that debian doesn't use rc.local to customize the boot process.. as noted here :
The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ - Customizing your installation of Debian GNU/Linux

so I did what the official debian site says I should have done:

1- Entered the custom created script "transmission" into the directory /etc/init.d/ and made it executable.
2- Ran the Debian command update-rc.d with appropriate arguments. In my case

update-rc.d transmission defaults 20

, to start the service in runlevels 2 through 5, and to stop the service in runlevels 0, 1 and 6 (Supposedly to specify which runlevels should start the service, and which runlevels should stop the service).
3- rebooting the system to check that the service starts correctly.

this created all the proper "S20transmission" and "K20transmission" symbolic links needed in the etc/rc#.d subdirectories. But after reboot the transmission-daemon wasn't running. If I run the script by hand it works fine, but it does not auto reload at startup.

I'm not a newbie but I don't work in linux nor unix since my profession is Finance. All i did was thanks to some research and a good reading in debian site.

Is anyone kind enough to tell me what am I doing wrong?

Is it possible that Iomega modified debian so no one can autorun a service on the device?

Is there a way to know what the device is actually doing at boot?

How can I Fix That?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Anyone Have any Idea about how to answer my 4 questions?