Installing SNMP Agent on Solaris Systems


I am trying to apply the steps in the below link:\#solaris

but I couldn't continue with the step number 2 ... what is the path of C compiler.

export PATH=<gcc path>:$PATH

Please help ......

This command is there to ensure that gcc location will be available in the PATH environment, if you are sure that your user can access it, it's ok, I guess you can skip this part. Do a "which gcc" and you will find out the location of the compiler.
For example, in my case, I have gcc at /usr/sfw/bin/gcc, so I had to add this location to the PATH env.


Igot this error after the next step:

# ./configure --prefix=</snmp1> --with-mib-modules="host"
configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
See `config.log' for more details.

The error is self-explanatory. Find the location of either "gcc" or "cc" and correct the $PATH env.