Installing JDK1.6.0 on SOLARIS 10

Hello everyone,

Can you help me please. I have to install JDK 1.6.0 under Solaris sparc 64 bits machine. Is this the steps to do it the right way ?

1- Install JDK 1.6.0 for 32 bits machine before installing the package for 64 bits machine?

2- gunzip jre1.6.0.tar.gz

3- tar -vxf jre1.6.0.tar

Is uncompressing the package suffisant to say that we have installed java ?

Installing JRE1.6.0 is the same thing as installing JDK 1.6.0 ?

Once we have finished how can we know that the version installed is java 6 ?

thank for your help

Here is a link to instructions on installing Java on Solaris
Installation Notes