Installing CadenceRTLCompilerRC09.10.100 on fedora 11 32 bit

Hi guys,
I want to install CadenceRTLCompilerRC09.10.100 on fedora 11 32 bit. After installing and setting license file, when I run:

rc -gui

it gives me this:

rc:   ERROR: The tool 'rc' does not seem to be available on the
rc:          platform 'lnx86' in your installation:
rc:             '/cadence'

Could anyone help?

whereis rc

I'm guessing "rc" is the script or launching program for Cadence. This means either the installation didn't set your path, or you have to logout/login again so that the rc tool is in your path.

FC probably runs "update" on a daily basis, so by now you should be able to run

locate */rc

and get back one or two full paths -- one of which is probably related to your Cadence installation and which you should run (with the full path).