Installing a ssl certificate with a CSR?

I am on Linux server. centos 7.
These are the file names given (They say it's vendor is geotrust but when I look at geotrust nginx install ssl documentation I don't find relevant information).
The files given are:

  • root
  • intermediate
  • csr
  • certificate
  • private key

I know

cat domain_name_certificate.crt CA_Bundle.crt > crt2023.crt

cat intermediate root > CA_Bundle.crt

As you saw, I didn't use CSR. And I don't know where to include CSR.

I tried reading about CSR in some tcp ip books but could not find anything.
I went to some blogs

It doesn't seem like I need to install CSR on server because it's only used to generate the certificate.

I'm not understanding why the certificate isn't being installed?

$ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in certificate.crt | openssl md5
$ openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in private.key | openssl md5

These values are also coming to be equal.

I've restarted the web server and the basic stuffs.

Anything that I can do to debug the issue?

good. The waf was blocking it.

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