Install Redhat 5.3 on Sun X4170

Hi everyone,

The machine, I can install RHEL 4.5 but i can't install 5.3 version. ( All by CD DVD)

Server has a SAS PCI-Express LSI 3081E Host Bus Adapter for 2 local drives.

When i install 4.5 it can recognize the LSI Raid Volume but with 5.3 it said "No driver found"
"Unable to find any types ....". The installation document doesn't mention about this issue.:eek:. I tried find so much with Google in hopeless.

Please help me if u got experiences about this.

Tien Nguyen,
Thank you.

have you tried the linux drivers from the oracle/sun download site?

I have got the driver, its a rpm file. As i thought, it will be add after OS installed. :confused:

I am trying, finding the folder contain drivers in installation DVD of 4.5 and add it to 5.3 iso file. Then install with "new" DVD.:confused:

there are drivers (tools) you need after the installation and (if i remember right) some files you need to apply to the install media... also note that only the 64bit version of redhat 5.3 is working for the 4170.

I'm feel so happy now. My colleague suggested me use the tool-and-driver dvd. I just mount DVD tool and driver iso file through ILOM and now don't know why the issue not happen again.

This is really not a clear way to fix this issue but at least now i got a workaround. :slight_smile: