Insert text after the first occurance of searched string entry in a file

My server xml file has huge data part of which i'm sharing below.

I wish to add the below text held by variable "addthisline" after the closing braces i.e --> once the first </Connector> tag is found.

addthisline="I need to be inserted after the comments"

Thus my searchstring is "</Connector>" and i need keep looking for the next "-->" entry post which I need to add the line contained in $addthisline

This injection should happen only for the first instance of " </Connector>" string found in the file.

Expected Output:

Unfortunately, I just know how to add the text after the string is found using sed '/pattern/a some text here' filename

I'm using bash shell script on Redhat Linux 7.

Requesting suggestions.

Difficult to achieve with sed as it can't keep the state of processing. This would insert the string after all occurrences:

sed -e "/<\/Connector/,/-->/{/-->/a $addthisline" -e'}' file

But, my requirement is to add only after the first occurance. A non sed solution will do.

Try this awk code snippet, then:

awk -v"IT=${addthisline}" '/<\/Connector/,/-->/ {if (/-->/ && !L) {print; $0 = IT; L = 1}} 1' file

And, playing around with sed 's hold space, I found this which might do as well:

sed -e "/<\/Connector/,/-->/{/-->/{x; s/XXX/&/; x; t; a $addthisline" -e'; x; s/.*/XXX/; x;} }' file