Information from screen


Just wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction on this one.

What I'm basically trying to do is write a program to grab information off a webpage which is continually updating itself. I dont want to say take millions of screen shots, I just want the program to constantly monitor a particular part of the screen and store information.

Basically Im not necessarily looking for the cleverest way of doing this, rather a way which I can program myself. My background is that I have a functional knowledge of C programming for scientific purposes but very little knowledge of computers themselves. For instance I can write programs but dont even know how to take information in from the screen.

Thanks for any help.

If the info is coming from webpage, try lynx, curl and diff for the changes.

wget may also be applicable.

If you are scarping data from search engines, then check for exposed and supported modules to do that. I had once done that for google - SE