#include file <sys/libcsys.h>: not found

Currently am working on pooling of messages from one host to another..
I included "#include <sys/libcsys.h>" library in my C code.. But I found in the output as,

#include file <sys/libcsys.h>: not found

I know that "libcsys.h" library is used for kernel extensions.. I can't figure out why it says as "NOT FOUND"
Please correct me if am wrong anywhere and suggest me how to rectify this..
Please help..

Maybe it is not in the path you expect it to be - erroneously moved, incorretly installed, ...

Use "find" to search for the file and make sure it is at the right place. And when you are at it: check for the correct filemode too. If it was erroneously moved it could be "chmod"ed too.

I hope this helps.
