Improve script

Hi RudiC

I try to do it

         for (l in LNC)
                {printf "%d", l | cmdsort
                 for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++)  {printf "\t%d", CNT[l,IX]+0 | cmdsort
                                                 NNUL[IX] += CNT[l,IX]>0
         print DASHES
         printf "TbyM"
         for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++) printf "\t%d", MIN[IX]

          print DASHES
         printf "TbyM"
         for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++) printf "\t%d", MAX[IX]  

But it does not work :slight_smile:

about the dash replacement for the zeroes.. i try to use the


but it fails ...

It always helps to SHOW WHAT "does not work" or what fails.
Your printout can't work as the values are incorrectly collected - in the END, i.e. printout section. There, the values are no more available; you need to collect them during the body operation.

awk -F, -vCATS="-10,-5,0,15,25,35,50" '
BEGIN   {CNTLM = split (CATS, LMT)
#        LMT[CNTLM+1] = "50+"
         for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++)  {MIN[IX] = "-"
                                         MAX[IX] = "-"

         cmdsort = "sort -n"
         while (length(DASHES) < 8*(CNTLM+3)) DASHES = DASHES "--------"

function PR(NM, AR, FMT, LST)   {print DASHES
                                 printf NM
                                 for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++) printf FMT, AR[IX]
                                 printf LST RS

        {for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM && $10>LMT[IX]; IX++);            # semicolon is mandatory!
         if (MIN[IX] == "-" || $10 < MIN[IX]) MIN[IX] = $10
         if (MAX[IX] == "-" || $10 > MAX[IX]) MAX[IX] = $10

END     {printf "FLD6"
         for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM; IX++) printf "\t%6s", "<=" LMT[IX]
         printf "\t%6s\t    TbyV" RS, ">" LMT[--IX]
         print DASHES
         for (l in LNC)
                {printf "%4d", l | cmdsort
                 for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++)  if (CNT[l,IX] > 0)      {printf "\t%6d", CNT[l,IX] | cmdsort
                                                                         NNUL[IX] ++ 
                                                else                     printf "\t     -"         | cmdsort

                 printf "\t= %6d" RS, LNC[l] | cmdsort
         close (cmdsort)

         for (IX=1; IX<=CNTLM+1; IX++)  COLAVG[IX] = COLTOT[IX] / TOT
         PR("TbyH", COLTOT, "\t%6d", "  =  " TOT)
         PR("TAVG", COLAVG, "\t%.4f")
         PR("TMIN", MIN,    "\t%6s")
         PR("TMAX", MAX,    "\t%6s")
         PR("TViU", NNUL,   "\t%6d")
' /tmp/tmp1.txt
FLD6	 <=-10	  <=-5	   <=0	  <=15	  <=25	  <=35	  <=50	   >50	    TbyV
   2	     -	     -	     2	  1091	   118	     9	     1	     -	=   1221
   8	     -	     -	     4	  1193	     3	     1	     -	     -	=   1201
   9	     -	     -	     2	  1180	     3	     -	     -	     -	=   1185
  10	     -	     -	     2	   750	    24	     3	     -	     -	=    779
  12	     -	     -	     2	   967	    31	     -	     -	     -	=   1000
  13	     -	     -	     3	   967	     4	     -	     -	     -	=    974
  14	     -	     -	     -	   369	     7	     1	     -	     -	=    377
  15	     -	     -	     4	   916	    19	     -	     -	     -	=    939
  18	     -	     -	     2	   769	     6	     1	     -	     -	=    778
  22	     -	     -	     2	  1034	   169	    12	     -	     -	=   1217
  24	     -	     -	     3	  1154	    24	     -	     -	     -	=   1181
  28	     -	     -	     -	  1100	    48	     7	     1	     -	=   1156
TbyH	     0	     0	    26	 11490	   456	    34	     2	     0  =  12008
TAVG	0.0000	0.0000	0.0022	0.9569	0.0380	0.0028	0.0002	0.0000
TMIN	     -	     -	     0	     8	    16	    26	    39	     -
TMAX	     -	     -	     0	    15	    25	    31	    40	     -
TViU	     0	     0	    10	    12	    12	     7	     2	     0

Dear RudiC.

It is great .. many thanks..
I see the values minimum and maximum are not correct... for example in column 5 should be

min = 369 max = 1193

. but is not the case... I am trying to figure out that..

Thanks a lot

Oh, now I get the requirement. What if you had explained it clearly in the first place?