Importing a path/file into a bash script

Hey, I'm new here. Basically, I'm trying to make a bash script that affects a file of my choice.

What I want to do is

$./ /path/to/file.jpg    

and then the bash script will know that variable=/path/to/file.jpg


In your


Is it what you are looking for?

No, what I'm looking for is a way to import text from the command line when I run the script.

Here is what I'm trying to do.

#! /bin/bash

echo 'Where is the file located?'
read location


while [ $COUNT -lt 7 ]; do
    exif -t 0x000$COUNT --remove $location -o $location    
    let COUNT=COUNT+1

This little script strips out the exif GPS data (so if I upload a picture online, I don't have to worry about someone showing up at my house).

It loops from 0x0001 to 0x0006 and removes them. It then overwrites the file.

The issue is I don't want to have to type out the file names since I can't get autocomplete to work in BASH. So instead of setting the location of the file with:

echo 'Where is the file located?'
read location

I could just use ./ ~/Desktop/file.jpg and will know that ~/Desktop/file.jpg shall be the location variable.

Replace following two lines

echo 'Where is the file located?' 
read location



Now when you run script like below:

./ /path/to/your/filename

1st argument ($1) will be set in location variable.

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Brilliant! Thank you. I didn't understand what you were saying in your first post. I'm still new to bash scripting, as you can see :stuck_out_tongue: