Ignite and HP-UX 09.XX

I am looking to make bootable tape backups of four machines running HP-UX 09.02, 09.05 and 09.07.

I successfully located Ignite 10.20 and installed it and made a backup on the one machine running HP-UX 10.20. I am having trouble locating information about Ignite for HP-UX 9. Does it exist? Is this even possible? I have read that I cannot backup version 9 from my version 10 software and I can't find Ignite software in my stack of version 9 software.

Nobody seems to be talking about version 9 anymore. I know, it's old but I am running some proprietary software for operation of a ZEISS CMM and I am avoiding updating the OS like the plague for fear of compatibility issues with UMESS.

I am new to this UNIX admin stuff so please take it easy on me.

There is no ignite for these OS...
to be able the recover the system you would have to use the tools upplied for these series 700:
fbackup/frecover for backup/restore or other
And you would have to create a bootable dds tape using mkrs script ( to create a recovery system...)

Thank you very much for the quick reply. That is what I needed to know. I have never heard of "mkrs". I will look in to it. I assume it is not as user-friendly as Ignite. I found that you boot in to a recovery mode when you boot from this tape. Do you also place your fbackup on the same tape then and frestore from this recovery mode?

Sorry, I am assuming hard drive failure and restoration of complete system on new drive with recovery tape. Is this easy?

Im not sure about 9.02 (is this a series 800 server?), but I had it on my 900/715 station (but thas isvery long ago...) in 9.05 or 9.07 I remember it was in SYS-ADMIN fileset if <ou have them...
From my notes:
(No space allowed between option flag and args)

mkrs [-v] [-q] [-s] [ -frcdev] [ -rrootdev] [ -mseries]

rcdev : name of the devicefile on which recovery system is created

No compression allowed
with DDS drive : explicitly specify device file

rootdev can be:

series : normally 700
so for /dev/dsk/6s0 on DDS:

mkrs -v -f/dev/rmt/0m -r/dev/dsk/6s0     

you could also use dd to backup your hard disk to another or to a DDS drive