if pid exist ?

Hi I need help to whit a script that start a program if a nother program is started first .
I thought something like this .

if [ "ps aux | grep program1" is bigger than 0 ] then start program 2


c=$(ps aux | grep program1|wc -l)

if [[ "$c" -eq 1 ]]
  start program 2

the above code will have $c as always one, as grep would be in the list of ps.

so it should be

c=`ps aux|grep program1|grep -v grep|wc -l`

Please correct me if i am wrong

That's the reason I don't use "-eq 0"

if using your code, I have to change the if command to :

if [[ "$c" -eq 0 ]]

sorry rdcwayx.

I was misled.