Idle command to kill the process running n unx box machine

Hi Team ,

I have one process named as cec_analysiseool that is running on unix box machine now i want to kill this process so please advise what will be the ideal command to kill this , what i have tried is :confused:

kill -9 `ps -ef | grep cec_analysiseool | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`


have a look at this :

How To Use ps, kill, and nice to Manage Processes in Linux | DigitalOcean


You should do the default kill (-TERM), if this does not work, kill -HUP, then kill -SYS, and only if the process blocks them all do a kill -9 (-KILL).
Dependent on your OS(?) there are more efficient ways, for example

pkill -x cec_analysiseool