Identify unknown LAN server from IP or MAC address


I just got a little task trying to seemingly find a needle in a haystack.

I have a server (FreeBSD) where several NFS mounts are established from a host somewhere on the local LAN with the 192.168.x.x prefix.

Needless to say, the guy who set this up wasn't too fond of documenting his work apart from the "# NFS" comment in the fstab. I can see that the server that I am on also has set up an interface with a 192.168.x.x address, which natually doesn't help me much other than it looks like a trend. There is no documentation on the LAN addresses end points anywhere to be found.

My question is, is there anyway I could try to identify what the server's hostname is (if any)? I tried nslook, arp, ping, ssh, telnet (both telnet+ssh denied, probably firewall), netstat (it's used as a static route as well), anything that I could think of a late Saturday evening.

I have the aforementioned IP address and I have the MAC address, but my network knowledge is a bit on the wee side to put the nail in the coffin :slight_smile:

Some could argue - log on to the servers and check their interfaces - but there's FAR too many for comfort :frowning:

I hope you can throw me a pointer or two.


If you have appropriate corporate permission you could use nmap to scan the ports on that particular host.

Otherwise it may be a case of blocking that host and see who complains.

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Thanks for the advice.
I'm going to see if I can get it done, otherwise I'll have to go onsite and see if I can find its "neighbors".

I actually know nmap but it didn't cross my mind before you reminded me, so I will give it a shot first! :wink:

