Identify high I/O procecess

Hello I am trying to identify what is consuming my I/O (looks 100% in glance).

Howver on my system HP-UX 104 B.11.11 U 9000/800

The only option in iostat seems to be -t which is not very usefull

iostat -p is not available.

Please advice on how I should proceed.

Thank you in advance.

ps -l shows wchan, the channel a proc is waiting on.

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This is the output from ps -l

  F S        UID   PID  PPID  C PRI NI             ADDR   SZ            WCHAN TTY       TIME COMD
  1 S        103 24706 24608  0 158 20        2300f3240   98        1c6d97040 pts/3     0:00 sh
  1 R        103 18486 24706  3 178 20        17bd6d600   77                - pts/3     0:00 ps

I don't think this helps :frowning:

Well, for all processes, add -e ! The ps man also describes how to customize the output. I/O loading is a per process sort of thing. Now, page faults are an I/O cost, too, but their cost may be imposed by other processes!