I need to appears as different ip address when I send a form

Hi my problem is that I need to send a form to a web address using curl, from a unix shell, the web address on the receiving end will only accept incoming data from a specific ip address, and port, on another machine on our intranet, and I can not run curl on that machine. Is there any way I can redirect the curl command to appear as if it coming from the proper IP Address? the command in cURL I am using is


curl --form upload=@yourfile --form press=OK Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated -thanks

You need to ssh into this machine and run the command from there. You cannot pretend to be another IP.

Hi I am not all that knowledgeable concerning this what is a ssh ?

ssh logs into the remote computer and opens a shell, allowing you to run commands on that machine as if you were there.

Hmm the remote machine I need to send from is a windows 2008 server, and I am on a unix box can you see a problem?

It's possible to get an ssh server running on windows but complicated and ugly.

Another way to do so would be to run a proxy server on your windows machine. Your curl program could use it as a proxy and the request would appear to come from it.

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