I need help with SIGIO and the terminal..

I want write a program where I call the pause() function to wait for any signal. Now I have registered the SIGIO signal with the following lines of code:

const int on = 1;


ioctl\(STDIN_FILENO, FIONBIO, &on\);


then I called the pause() function. The body of the catchSIGIO() is given below:

void catchSIGIO\(int num\)\{
  printf\("INSIDE SIGIO\\n"\);

The program compiles alright. When I run the program, it halts/pauses at the pause() function call. Then when I type something in the keyboard, the SIGIO signal is NOT generated (I guess) because nothing happens. The program remains stuck at the pause() function. I can ONLY get out by pressing ctrl+C.

But I want to detect ANY KEY PRESS by SIGIO signal or any other signal (if there is any).

Can anyone help me on this issue? Thanks in advance.