I need a script to find socials in files and output a list of those files

I am trying to find socail security numbers in files in (and under) a specific directory and output a list of the files where they are found... the format would be with no dashes just 9 numeric characters in a row.

I have tried this:
find /DirToLookIn -exec grep '[0-9]\{9\}' /dev/null {} \; >> /FileToWriteFileNamesFoundTo

but it is not working like I want.

I need to know how to tell it there is a space, a "," or a " on either end of the string I am searching for?

I am sure this is simple to do I just can't seem to get it to do it...

Hey thanks anyway but I figured it out. I used:
grep '[\,,",\ ][0-9]\{9\}[\,,",\ ]'

in case that can help anyone else