i can't use 'make' in my computer?

I need to compile a file,but 'make' does
not work.please tell me how to use it or
need which tools?

what r u trying to compile??? Acctually make is not a compiler.

quote man make:

  make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs

Please, put your question a litle bit more specific.

Can you paste exactly what happens when you type make?
We don't know if you don't have it installed, or if you don't have a Makefile set up (i.e. need to run ./configure first), or need to supply an argument to it...

Please give as much information as possible.

Thank you for help.
firstly,I want to install Mysql in sco open
server.But it need to unzip.So i download
gzip-1.2.4.tar file from www.gzip.org.
I operate it following the website.
It is:
tar xvf gzip-1.2.4.tar
cd gzip-1.2.4
But I can't use the 'make' command.
I think that there is no c compile
in my operating system.
So i have to have a c compile.But i
haven't.please tell me how to deal
with it.