HP-UX 10.20 file size limits?

Hi, I'm running HP-UX 10.20. Is there a 2GB file size limit? if so, can i change it?

Yes there is a file limit...
>Can it be changed?
Well it depends...
The file system accept by default only less than 2 GB files unless you have created the file system with -o largefiles...

Thanks. How can i see how my filesystem was set?

one method is how it is mounted:
Look at /etc/fstab: Here is an extract of a gone 10.20 K class but where I kept a few config files...

/dev/s4vg02/lvol2 /data/arch vxfs rw,suid,mincache=direct,delaylog,datainlog 0 2
/dev/s4vg02/lvol3 /rollback vxfs rw,suid,mincache=direct,delaylog,datainlog,largefiles 0 2


ant:/home/vbe $ fsadm -F vxfs /sas_wks
largefiles       # Must be root...

To create a filesystem largefile enabled:

 newfs -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vgXX/rlvolNN

How to enable (You forgot to do the above...):

# as root :
 fsadm -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vg??/rmylvol 

 mount -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vg??/mylvol /mymount 

## Make sure that you make the necessary changes to /etc/fstab as well 

/dev/vg??/mylvol /mymount vxfs rw,suid,largefiles,delaylog,datainlog 0 2 
