HP eqivalent of SUNWspro/bin/cc -G -o


I had been using this command

/opt/SUNONE8/SUNWspro/bin/cc -G -o  abc.so ./abc.o

for creating .so files from .o files (compiled c files) in sun OS. Now i have to create the same in HP-UX. Please give me the HP equivalent tool/command which creates .so files like in SUN.

Thanks in Advance.

Search for HP-UX and gcc on altavista.com, one example is:
GCC for HP-UX 11i

A ready compiled and packaged version of gcc is also available for Solaris from Sunfreeware - Freeware Open Source Software for Sun Microsystem's Solaris if you want to use as similar a compiler as possible on both operating systems.

maybe -b option but

      -b             Generate shared library as output. Compiler generates
                     position-independent code (PIC). Is not compatible with
                     the +ESrel, -dynamic, -noshared options.

As suggested, I would give a go at gcc...