Howto convert Ascii -> UTF-8 & back C++

While working with russian text under FreeBSD&MySQL I need to convert a string from MySQL to the Unicode format.
I've just started my way in C++ under FreeBSD , so please explain me how can I get ascii code of Char variable and also how can i get a character into variable with the specified ascii code.

I know that in Basic there is a commands for that : Asc() and Chr(), is there variant of this on C++?

I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but you can cast a char to an int.

char c;
printf("%d \n", (int) c);

How about trying out the examples here?

thank u guys ... just in case somebody need a solution :

#include <stdio.h>                                                                                           
#include <stdlib.h>                                                                                          
unsigned char* ASCIItoUNICODE (unsigned char ch);                                                            
unsigned int* ConvertString (unsigned char *string);                                                         
void UnicodePrint(unsigned int* Message);                                                                    
int main()                                                                                                   
        unsigned char text[] = "������,world" ;                                                              
        unsigned int *UnMess;                                                                                
        printf("Content-type: text/plain\n\n\n");                                                            
        UnMess = ConvertString(text);                                                                        
unsigned char* ASCIItoUNICODE (unsigned char ch)                                                             
unsigned char Val[2];                                                                                        
if ((ch < 192)&&(ch != 168)&&(ch != 184))  {Val[0] = 0; Val[1] = ch;    return Val;}                         
if (ch == 168) {Val[0] = 208;   Val[1] = 129;   return Val;}                                                 
if (ch == 184) {Val[0] = 209;   Val[1] = 145;   return Val;}                                                 
if (ch < 240)  {Val[0] = 208;   Val[1] = ch-48; return Val;}                                                 
if (ch < 249)  {Val[0] = 209;   Val[1] = ch-112;        return Val;}                                         
unsigned int* ConvertString (unsigned char *string)                                                          
    unsigned int size=0, *NewString;                                                                         
        unsigned char* Uni;                                                                                  
    while (string[size++]!=0);                                                                               
        NewString = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*2*size-1);                                    
        while (string!=0)                                                                              
            Uni = ASCIItoUNICODE(string);                                                              
        return NewString;                                                                                    
void UnicodePrint(unsigned int* Message)     
        int size, i;                                                                                         
        if (Message[1] == 0) i=2;                                                                            
                else i=1;                                                                                    
                while (i<size)                                                                               