How to zip csv files having specific pattern in a directory using UNIX shell script?

I have files in a Linux directory . Some of the file is listed below

-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:17 zzz_123_00000_A_1.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:18 zzz_121_00000_A_2.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:18 zzz_124_00000_A_3.csv
drwxrwxr-x. 2 roots roots 6 Dec 23 02:18 zzz
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:54 yyy_123_343434_A_1.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:55 yyy_123_343434_A_1.xml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:55 yyy_1254_343434_A_1.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:55 yyy_1254_343434_A_1.txt
drwxrwxr-x. 2 roots roots 6 Dec 23 02:56 yyy

In my directory other file formats also there with same name. And my direcotry might have sub directory also. I should not consider other files and sub directories for zip process.
Once zip is done,I have to move this csv files into archive directory. I have to write unix script.
Expected Output: should have zzz_123_00000_A_1.csv , zzz_121_00000_A_2.csv and zzz_124_00000_A_3.csv should have yyy_123_343434_A_1.csv , yyy_1254_343434_A_1.csv
Please let me know how to implement this task.

Any attempts/ideas/thoughts from your side?

Hi RudiC,
I tried to form the command . below is what I tried.

find /home/gxcare_user/test -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "zzz_*" | sed 's!.*/!!'| zip -@

But I dont know how to implement this for all the .csv files. I just hardcoded my search pattern (zzz_*) .

I would try starting with the simple case first and see if it works:

cd /home/gxcare_user/test
zip zzz_*.csv
zip yyy_*.csv

If those commands work, you might not need the more complicated:

cd /home/gxcare_user/test
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "zzz_.*.csv" | sed 's!.*/!!'| zip -@

If there are more than two, or unknown prefixes, you might want to look into this:

for FN in *.csv
  do    [ -f ${FN%%_*} ] && continue
        echo zip ${FN%%_*} ${FN%%_*}*.csv
        echo mv ${FN%%_*}*.csv archive

The echo is in there for safety to see what would happen; remove if happy.