How to write a daemon in Unix?


I have a directory where sometimes a file will come (in a name format say file001.txt).
I want to run a job (.ksh file) as soon as a new file comes into the directory.

How can I write a shell script which will run in the background and monitor arrival of new file in the directory?

Thanks in advance.

Look in to cron jobs, you can write a script to monitor files, depending on what you to do. Put this script in a cronjob, the cron will wake up run the script. The cron wakes up once every minute, and looks for jobs to run.



Here's a brute force method using ksh:

while true; do
  if [[ -s file001.txt ]]; then
    # Found the file; do stuff here
    print "found file!"
    break # stop the loop

The loop cycles forever, checking whether the file exists, and stops checking once found. You may want to consider the relative effect (if any) of having a script running constantly like this. A cron job that runs every minute might be a better choice, depending on your requirements.

i would suggest the above script with a sleep interval in between for every check.

HI Glenn i tired this code it gives me an error "Can't find file" & still echoes the output desired, i would also like to add sleep intervals within the loop can you explain or send the code to achieve that

Hi all,Matrix,Glenn
can you help me in setting a script which checks for a file within every 10 mins,...script should have time intervals in between
below code checks the file but gives an error msg cant find file & then again prints the output found file

while true; do
if [[ -e file001.txt ]]; then
# Found the file; do stuff here
print "found file!"
break # stop the loop

this should have been a new thread :wink:

I took out the break line. that would end the script after the 1st time file is found. Sounds like you want a cron that will look for incoming files on a regular basis? sleep 600 is 10 minutes. Of course you'lll need to move the file once found, or the next interation is going to find the old file.


while true; do
  if [[ -s file001.txt ]]; then
    # Found the file do stuff here
    print "found file!"
        print "File not found!"
sleep 600

Good evening Denn Thanks a lot for your input!
I tried that but it gives following message
""Can't find file File not found!
Can't find file found file!"""" it says found file once thats pasted into the folder i am checking for.Also it goes in the loop with out breaking i want to break the loop once file is found.
kindly let me know where this is going wrong!
Thanks again....
Thanks & regards

If you're not using ksh, the print command is something else entirely -- a command which expects a file argument, and complains "Can't find file <argument>" when the "file" you give it doesn't exist. Try replace print with echo or printf instead.

Scroll back and reread some earlier posts; denn took out the break but it's easy to put back in -- just scroll further back to find a version which has it.

Hi Era,Denn,matrix & all others

Thanks this works probably i didnt realise ksh & sh...
now it gives me the desired results..thanks a lot for your support

I inserted the break & loop i wanted for specific time

Thanks Again.....

Hi all,

I got the previus code working thanks for that i also have an sftp script working,now my reqmnt is once i login to the sftp server i want to check the arrival of file & do some stuff how do i achieve that..the code with this does not work with sftp pls help
Thanks in Advance