How to view all files on DAT tape

I'm using tar and so far so good, but how can I view ALL files without having to fast forward and rewind the tape? Let's say I append 100 files onto the tape. Having to fast forward 100 times until I find the file I want is kinda tedious.

Tapes are linear devices. If you need to do random reads, a random I/O device may suite you better.

If you are putting all the files on the tape at the same time, it is normal to make a "tar" or "cpio" archive of a batch of files which counts as just one file on tape.

Better to use proper backup software like unix "dump"/"restore" or commerical backup software.

It does not even have to cost anything to use such software (outside of your own time and effort). You can use a package like Amanda to do it for you.