How to use scl enable python command call with in bash shell script?

I have a bash shell script, within it i am using the below two commands . its failing right on scl enable command itself.

if i run it by itself without a shell, it works fine.

by default it is using pythin version 2.6 something. i want to use 3.4 version for that reason with in the shell script using below python side calls.
need help please how to properly use the below two lines within bash shell script.

scl enable rh-python34
python '' '-P' 'Khai123' '/usr/local/bin/ltchadoop/stage_process/weekly_pim/test_temp


Thanks a lot for the help info.

Please post the error message you get. Otherwise we are guessing. Thanks

There is no error message coming at all. just exiting the shell.

I am not familiar with scl but by looking at the "QuickStart" page of the "" website, it might be mandatory to specify "bash" at the end of that "scl" command(?)

scl enable rh-python35 bash
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